Tuesday 16 July 2013

What is Keyword Density? : Keyword Density Demystified

What is Keyword Density?  : Keyword Density Demystified
One of the jargon you will come across in the process of optimizing your content for search engines is Keyword Density. So what is this keyword density? When you are writing content like blogs, articles and creating video content you should pay attention to keywords for your content to be found by search engines, advises Google’s Matt Cutts,
see the video below:

Although keywords are important for content creation, you should be very careful not to use too many keywords that are unnecessary in your content. Consider you are writing content to be read by people not search engines. This is what is called Keyword stuffing in Search Engine Optimization jargon.  So let’s define Keyword density.
Definition of Keyword Density
Keyword density is the number of times that a certain word (the keyword) appears in your content. This means the number of times that the word is repeated in your content. 

Some people over do it in attempt to trick the search engines and they are punished by Google or other search engines deindexing their website. 
If you watched the video above you probably have an idea on the ideal keyword density. There are many theories out there but this seems to be the official stand of Google search engine regarding keyword density.
How do you calculate your Keyword Density?
To calculate the keyword density of your content you can simply count the number of times the keyword is repeated in the content then divide  with the total number of words in the article or blog post.

What is Keyword Density?  : Keyword Density Demystified

What is Keyword Density?  : Keyword Density Demystified

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